TMS Advanced Charts(Delphi XE2)

August 12, 2022 By 7t7exe1 0

TMS Advanced Charts(Delphi XE2)

TMS Advanced Charts(Delphi XE2)

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اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور 2022

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اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور لمفتاح الترخيص

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Password: RAK4GXZOHZN839
Username: rqtrajzy
Username: yitsdjaa
Password: ONS13E2NCC08JM

Developer’s Description

TMS Advanced Charts(Delphi XE2)is DB-aware and non DB-aware feature-rich charting components for business,statistical,financial and scientific data.It has many feature like single or multi pane chart view component,vertical or horizontal oriented charts,wide range of chart types: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Spider, Donut, Band, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, OHLC, CandleStick, Histogram, Bubble, Error, Digital Line, and different bar shapes such as rectangle, cylinder, and pyramid.

TAdvChartView & TDBAdvChartView : fast multi-pane & DB-aware chart component

  • Single or multi pane chart view component
  • Vertical or horizontal oriented charts
  • Wide range of chart types: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Spider, Donut, Band, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, OHLC, CandleStick, Histogram, Bubble, Error, Digital Line, Funnel …
  • Different bar shapes such as rectangle, cylinder and pyramid
  • X-axis with index of date/time unit indication
  • Linear or logarithmic Y-scale
  • Y-axis with auto ranging, minor & major value indication along Y-axis, multiple Y-axis values for different series supported
  • Support for annotations & legend
  • Panes with scrolling, scaling, splitter, drag & drop, synchronized scrolling with mouse or keyboard
  • Highly configurable crosshairs with value indication at series, Y-axis, tracker & crosshair support along multiple panes
  • Navigator bar to help for scrolling series along X-axis
  • Floating tracker window to see values at crosshairs
  • Configurable grid & bands
  • Configurable margins for chart & chart background image
  • Printing support, export to bitmap support
  • Support for persisting chart settings to file
  • Interface component to synchronise automatically with TAdvStringGrid / TDBAdvGrid
  • DB-aware panes and series
  • Includes TAdvChartViewPDFIO component to export Chart to PDF
  • Includes popup toolbar to configure series visuals (XE2 and newer)

TAdvGDIPChartView & TDBAdvGDIPChartView : GDI+ enabled multi-pane & DB-aware chart component

  • Advanced GDI+ enabled version of TAdvChartView
  • Anti-aliased chart drawing
  • Complex gradient support
  • Support charts with opacity & opacity gradients
  • Support for PNG images with alpha transparency for chart markers, textures
  • GDI+ hatches for chart fills
  • Shadows on bars, lines, areas, legend
  • Optional glass mirror effect support
  • Zoom control window with full scroll range
  • Export charts to .PNG, .JPEG, .GIF, .TIFF or .BMP files
  • Includes TAdvChartViewPDFIO component to export Chart to PDF

TAdvChartView3D : OpenGL 3D multi-serie chart component

  • High Quality OpenGL 3D Rendering
  • Optional AntiAliasing
  • Multiple Series
  • Pie Chart Type
  • Mouse Interaction
  • Export to image
  • Configurable values with optional image
  • Configurable legend & title
  • 3D rotation support on X, Y and Z-Axis

TMS Advanced Charts(Delphi XE2)is DB-aware and non DB-aware feature-rich charting components for business,statistical,financial and scientific data.It has many feature like single or multi pane chart view component,vertical or horizontal oriented charts,wide range of chart types: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Spider, Donut, Band, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, OHLC, CandleStick, Histogram, Bubble, Error, Digital Line, and different bar shapes such as rectangle, cylinder, and pyramid.

What is new in this release:

Version 3.1.1 has added OnBeforeDrawSeries or OnAfterDrawSeries events.


TMS Advanced Charts for Intraweb D2009-XE11

  • Programming
TMS Advanced Charts for IntraWeb is part of the TMS Advanced Charts and can be used in Windows VLC software development as well as IntraWeb web application development.


TMS Advanced Charts for IntraWeb is part of the TMS Advanced Charts and can be used in Windows VLC software development as well as IntraWeb web application development.


  • Component View one or more chart panels
  • Wide range of 2D charts such as: Line, Bar, Area, Histogram, Bubble, Error and…
  • X axis with unit index of date / time indication
  • Y axis with automatic sorting, minor plus major y axis, multi value y axis for various thread support
  • Supports annotations and descriptions
  • Panel with scroll, scaling, splitter, drag & drop, mouse & keyboard sync
  • The navigation bar to help navigate the string along the x-axis
  • Adjustable borders for charts and charts background image
  • Supports bitmap capture output printing
  • Support for continuation of chart settings to file
  • Interface component for TAdvStringGrid / TDBAdvGrid auto-sync
  • Supports graphs with opacity rates and gradients
  • Support for PNG images with alpha transparency for chart marker
  • Create shadows in strips, lines, areas and descriptions
  • Glass mirror effect support
  • Horizontal chart, rotate charts 90 degrees
  • Y logarithmic scale capability
  • Bar shapes: Rectangular, cylindrical, pyramid for ordinary and stacked bar charts
  • Export to PDF file
  • Configure the y-axis of a spider diagram
  • Export to PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP or GIF files
  • Save and restore TAdvChartView settings
  • Link TMS Advanced Charts to Database
  • Update runtime graphs

To see the full data TMS Advanced Charts for IntraWeb to here.

TMS Advanced Charts is available as VCL component set for Win32 application development and can be used as well with VCL for the Web (IntraWeb).
The TMS Advanced Charts is designed to display different kinds of data.
TMS Advanced Charts is a component set which includes components such as TAdvChartView, TDBAdvChartView, TAdvChartViewGDIP (GDI ), TDBAdvChartViewGDIP (GDI ), TAdvChartLink, TAdvChartTypeSelector, and TMS Advanced Charts editors to edit panes, series and annotations.
TMS Advanced Charts has the ability to link with databases and automatically add points from record fields.

TAdvChartView : fast multi-pane chart component: * Single or multi pane chart view component * Wide range of 2D chart types: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Donut, Band, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, OHLC, CandleStick, Histogram, Bubble, Error, … * X-axis with index of date/time unit indication * Y-axis with auto ranging, minor & major value indication along Y-axis, multiple Y-axis values for different series supported * Support for annotations & legend * Panes with scrolling, scaling, splitter, drag & drop, synchronized scrolling with mouse or keyboard * Highly configurable crosshairs with value indication at series, Y-axis, tracker & crosshair support along multiple panes * Navigator bar to help for scrolling series along X-axis * Floating tracker window to see values at crosshairs * Configurable grid & bands * Configurable margins for chart & chart background image * Printing support, export to bitmap support * Support for persisting chart settings to file * Interface component to synchronise automatically with TAdvStringGrid / TDBAdvGrid TAdvGDIPChartView : GDI+ enabled multi-pane chart component: * Advanced GDI+ enabled version of TAdvChartView * Anti-aliased chart drawing * Complex gradient support * Support charts with opacity & opacity gradients * Support for PNG images with alpha transparency for chart markers, textures * GDI+ hatches for chart fills * Shadows on bars, lines, areas, legend * Optional glass mirror effect support

DB-aware and non DB-aware feature-rich charting components for business, statistical, financial & scientific data.

TAdvChartView & TDBAdvChartView : fast multi-pane & DB-aware chart component
Single or multi pane chart view component
Vertical or horizontal oriented charts
Wide range of chart types: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Spider, Donut, Band, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, OHLC, CandleStick, Histogram, Bubble, Error, Digital Line, Funnel …
Different bar shapes such as rectangle, cylinder and pyramid
X-axis with index of date/time unit indication
Linear or logarithmic Y-scale
Y-axis with auto ranging, minor & major value indication along Y-axis, multiple Y-axis values for different series supported
Support for annotations & legend
Panes with scrolling, scaling, splitter, drag & drop, synchronized scrolling with mouse or keyboard
Highly configurable crosshairs with value indication at series, Y-axis, tracker & crosshair support along multiple panes
Navigator bar to help for scrolling series along X-axis
Floating tracker window to see values at crosshairs
Configurable grid & bands
Configurable margins for chart & chart background image
Printing support, export to bitmap support
Support for persisting chart settings to file
Interface component to synchronise automatically with TAdvStringGrid / TDBAdvGrid
DB-aware panes and series
Includes TAdvChartViewPDFIO component to export Chart to PDF
Includes popup toolbar to configure series visuals (XE2 and newer)
TAdvGDIPChartView & TDBAdvGDIPChartView : GDI+ enabled multi-pane & DB-aware chart component
Advanced GDI+ enabled version of TAdvChartView
Anti-aliased chart drawing
Complex gradient support
Support charts with opacity & opacity gradients
Support for PNG images with alpha transparency for chart markers, textures
GDI+ hatches for chart fills
Shadows on bars, lines, areas, legend
Optional glass mirror effect support
Zoom control window with full scroll range
Export charts to .PNG, .JPEG, .GIF, .TIFF or .BMP files
Includes TAdvChartViewPDFIO component to export Chart to PDF
TAdvChartView3D : OpenGL 3D multi-serie chart component
High Quality OpenGL 3D Rendering
Optional AntiAliasing
Multiple Series
Pie Chart Type
Mouse Interaction
Export to image
Configurable values with optional image
Configurable legend & title

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