SLP Soft Project Manager for Visual Studio Full Version Free Download

June 12, 2024 By qamar mukhtar 0

SLP Soft Project Manager for Visual Studio Full Version Free Download

SLP Soft Project Manager for Visual Studio Full Version Free Download

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The SLP Soft Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables projects created inside Visual Studio to be managed inside Visual Studio.  The Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables software projects to deliver on time, reduce cost of software project, enables developer’s collaboration and feedback, makes Visual Studio more productive; natural object oriented support, agile methodology support, multiuser environment support, and much more. The Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables each project created in Visual Studio to have a lifetime and each developer working in a project must have a function.  The Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables a project created in Visual Studio to be viewed as a function and when that function is executed a problem is solved.  To get started, the Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio can be viewed as follow. A project is started in Visual Studio to solve an identified problem.  The Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables the developers to clearly identify that problem by having a problem statement.  That problem statement is being viewed as the problem statement of the overall project related to the project requirement.  Given that multiple developers are working in the project, the Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables each developer to have his/her own problem statement which is related to the function of each developer .A software program is a complex entity and development phase of a software program is viewed as a complex entity as well. By reducing the complexity of the design during the development phase of a program, we can manage the development phase much better. This is what SLPSoft Software System Design and Modeling allows us to do.

To better understand how the Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio Works, let’s assume that we start a project in Visual Studio to Read Data from an instrument; so we can call that project Windows Program Data Reader or Windows Application Data Reader.  The overall function of the project is to read data to an external instrument attached to a computer.  Using the Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables the manager or the team to start the project by having a description for the project, then identify the problem the project needs to solve.  For instance for our Windows Program Data Reader we have the main problem like .The Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables the overall problem the project needs to solve to be divided into sub problems, where the overall function of the project to be divided into sub functions for developers.   Here are some key features of the Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio. SLPSoft Software System Design and Modeling is a tool that enables developers to model and design their software programs as systems during the development phase of the software. SLPSoft Software System Design and Modeling enables developers to view software as system. SLPSoft provides products and services that enable managers to manage their projects and employees more effectively. By using our software a project manager can reduce overhead in the project, reduce the cost of the project, deliver the project on time, and enable employee’s collaboration and feedback pertaining to the project.

The process of project modeling enables us to visualize our application, and have a good feeling about it before the execution phase. By modeling our project, we execute our project in a step-by-step approach related to our model. To better understand what project or application modeling is, think of it as the refined stepwise set of functions. By not modeling our application in the first place, we simply rely on ourselves to have a “just do it” approach. This only works in small cases. In this small case, we simply execute a function or the function of our application without having a better overall understanding of the individual entities of that project. By modeling our application, we have a better feel for it. We also have a better understanding of the entities and interactions that make up the application. We want to execute our applications well, so naturally we always have an image of our project in our mind. In this case we can say that the model of our project exists internally in our mind and our software simply makes it an external product. Compared to UML, a system model is viewed as higher layer of abstraction in terms of our understanding. Look at it like this: UML is good during the design phase of a software program, but it is considered too low. To better understand this, compare UML with the system’s requirement. Let’s compare SLPSoft System Design with system requirement and UML with system requirement; we see that the SLPSoft System Design and Modeling is much easier to understand than UML. Another way to look at it is by looking at the layer of our understanding. We can start from a system requirement, SLPSoft System Model, UML, and System Code, and can quickly see that the SLPSoft System Model can be viewed as a way of breaking down system requirement in a form where it can be understood before transiting to UML. In conclusion, the software can be used as a transition from system requirement to UML or from system requirement to phase of development in terms of coding.

The SLPSoft Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables projects created inside Visual Studio to be managed inside Visual Studio. The Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables software projects to deliver on time, reduce cost of software project, enables developer’s collaboration and feedback, makes Visual Studio more productive; natural object oriented support, agile methodology support, multiuser environment support, and much more. The Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables each project created in Visual Studio to have a lifetime and each developer working in a project must have a function. The Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables a project created in Visual Studio to be viewed as a function and when that function is executed a problem is solved. To get started, the Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio can be viewed as follow A project is started in Visual Studio to solve an identified problem. The Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables the developers to clearly identify that problem by having a problem statement. That problem statement is being viewed as the problem statement of the overall project. Given that multiple developers are working in the project, the Functional Project Manager for Visual Studio enables each developer to have his/her own problem statement which is related to the function of each developer. ??? Developer collaboration ??? Model driven software development ??? Project separation from model ??? Project organization ??? Full life cycle development ??? Team management ??? Reduce project complexity ??? Developer management ??? Developer time management ??? Project reports ??? Project requirement implementation ??? Project requirement tracking ??? Project time management ??? Project problem identification ??? Opening and closing project ??? Permission and security management ??? Test result capability ??? Requirement Mapping ??? Requirement Analysis ??? Code review included.

SLP Soft is a software solution company that offers products and services to help you design, model, and manage your software projects. Our software programs can help you design and model your own software applications as systems before coding. This allows you to see the software application as a whole system, with the inclusion of parts, or “sub systems.” With our project management software, you can reduce the cost of projects while managing times lines, reducing project overheads, and delivering projects on time. It can manage any project that involves the interaction of multiple people and enables employees to collaborate and give feedback.


Bug fix and charting features.


  • Developer collaboration
  • Model driven software development
  • Project separation from model
  • Project organization
  • Full life cycle development
  • Team management
  • Reduce project complexity
  • Developer management
  • Developer time management
  • Project reports
  • Project requirement implementation
  • Project requirement tracking
  • Project time management
  • Project problem identification
  • Opening and closing project
  • Permission and security management
  • Test result capability
  • Requirement Mapping
  • Requirement Analysis
  • Code review included
  • And much more


  • Managers and employees work together in single model.
  • Managers have access to the model.
  • Employees have access to the same model.
  • Managers can assign functions to employees.
  • Managers can define a group of employees and assign function to them.


  • Managers can monitor employees performance.
  • Managers can monitor functions status and project status.
  • Project analysis and feedback capability.
  • Project directory customization capability.
  • Project directory can be defined.


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