Revo Uninstaller Portable

August 11, 2022 By 7t7exe1 0

Revo Uninstaller Portable

Revo Uninstaller Portable

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Revo Uninstaller Portable is a portable freeware version of Revo Uninstaller. It’s from PortableApps, which specializes in producing versatile portable versions of popular open-source freeware. Like the installed version, Revo Portable offers much more versatility than most other uninstaller programs, including several levels of thoroughness that can scour your system for the files and folders other uninstallers leave behind.

The first thing we noticed when we opened Revo is that it doesn’t look like any other uninstaller we’ve tried, though it can, if we wanted to make it so: we could toggle between the default icon view to list and detail views. Another unique option is a Hunter mode that let us target apps in the crosshairs of a desktop icon or switch to a furnace icon that we could drag programs into for digital incineration. We selected a program to uninstall. Revo offers four modes: using built-in uninstallers, a Safe mode that builds on the built-in method with a scan for leftovers, a Moderate mode that adds a quick registry scan, and an Advanced mode that makes a deep scan but takes a bit longer. We chose the Advanced mode, which automatically created a System Restore Point. After it ran the program’s uninstaller, we clicked Next to start Revo’s deep scan. It turned up three rogue files and gave us several opportunities to make absolutely sure it was safe to delete them.

Revo Uninstaller Portable is easy to use, as uninstallers ought to be, but it displays more information and performs more powerful actions than most tools of its type, so naturally we recommend using it with care. An extensive PDF-based Help file as well as online resources helped us get the most out of Revo without causing any problems. This versatile tool packs some extras, too, such as an Autorun Manager. We highly recommend Revo Uninstaller Portable, particularly for its ability to find and remove those annoying leftovers other tools miss.

Full Specifications


Version 2.1:

  • Improved Scanning for leftovers
  • Improved – Junk Files Cleaner – Include list that lists the content of included folders as junk
  • Improved – Evidence Remover, Unrecoverable Delete and Junk Files Cleaner – Possibility to be minimized while working
Revo Uninstaller Portable is a freeware innovative uninstall utility much faster than Windows Add or Remove applet. With its advanced and fast algorithm, Revo Uninstaller Portable scans before and after you uninstall an application. After the program’s regular uninstaller runs, you can remove additional unnecessary files, folders and registry keys that are usually left over on your computer. Even if you have a broken installation, Revo Uninstaller Portable scans for an application’s data on your hard disk drives and in the Windows registry and shows all found files, folders and registry items so you can delete them. Revo Uninstaller Portable is designed to be run directly from an external USB device.

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