Replace Text in Many Files For Windows Full Version Free Download 2024
March 22, 2024Replace Text in Many Files For Windows Full Version Free Download 2024
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You can also use advanced settings, which I’ve outlined further down. When all is set, click Find All if you need to double-check the hits or Replace in Files if you want Notepad++ to immediately apply the changes. Depending on the number of files Notepad++ is searching, this can take a few seconds.
If you went with Find All, you’ll get a list of hits. Remove all the files you don’t want to edit by selecting them and pressing DEL, then right-click the remaining files and choose Open all.
Now go to Search > Replace or press CTRL+H, which will launch the Replace menu. Here you’ll find an option to Replace All in All Opened Documents.
Again, you can make several advanced settings, as explained below.
Advanced Search and Replace Settings in Notepad++
Under Find in Files, you can add Filters to search only in certain file types. For example, add *.doc to search only in DOC files. Likewise, you can search for files with a certain name, regardless of file type. Add *.* to search any file name and type.
When you choose a directory with sub-folders, check In all sub-folders and In hidden folders to search those, too. You might also want to check Match whole word only, so you don’t accidentally edit a partial match.
The Search Mode in both the Find in Files and Replace menus allows you to make advanced searches and replacements. Select Extended if you are using extensions, for example to replace a character with a new line (\n). Select Regular expression if you’re using operators to find and replace all matching words or phrases. You can stick with Normal if you’re just replacing text with text.
Replace Text [No Longer Available]
With Replace Text, you can set up a Replace Group to add multiple files and/or directories and multiple replacements.
To start, create a new group. Go to Replace > Add Group, and give your group a name.
Right-click your group and select Add File(s)… to add the files and/or folders you want to edit. In the Files / Folder Properties, select your Source Type, i.e., a single file or folder, then choose the Source File / Folder Path. If you choose to add a folder, you can also include and exclude file types by adding them to the Include File Filter or Exclude File Filter rows. Click OK when you’re done.
To add multiple files or folders, repeat the above step.
Replace Text’s best feature is that you can choose a destination that’s different from the original location. In the File / Folder Properties, switch to the Destination tab and choose your desired Destination File / Folder Path.
Now that you’ve set up your group, it’s time to define your replacements. Select your group and go to Replace > Search/Replace Grid > Advanced Edit… Now you can add the Search Text and Replace Te
Like with Notepad++, you can use advanced search strings and operators. Unlike Notepad++, you can add as many search and replace instances as you like and Replace Text will run through all of them when you run the process.
To make the replacements, go to Replace > Start Replacing or press CTRL+R.
Here’s a small selection of Notepad++ features that make this the perfect tool for writing and editing (code):
Numbered lines for easier navigation.
Automatic and customizable highlighting and folding of coding syntax.
Support for Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) search-and-replace.
Auto-completion that includes word completion, function completion, and function parameters hint.
A tabbed interface that lets you work with multiple documents in parallel.
Editing of multiple lines at once, using either CTRL+mouse-selection or column editing.
What Is Replace Text?
Replace Text is a whole lot simpler than Notepad++. It does one job: replacing text. Ecobyte, the company behind Replace Text, is mindful of its impact. Hence, the software with a cause comes with an unusual EULA:
t. Be sure to look in the drop-down menu at the bottom to customize the search and replace options.
nfortunately, Replace Text is no longer supported and no help file is available in Windows 10. I have covered it anyhow because it offers more advanced features than Notepad++ for this particular application.
Search and Replace Made Easy
One of the two utilities above should do the job for you. If you only have a simple search-and-replace job or if the additional features of Notepad++ sound useful, you should give it a try. If you need to edit not only multiple files, but also need to make multiple different replacements, it’s worth looking into Replace Text.
Which one did you choose and did it work as prescribed? Have you found other tools that can search-and-replace text? Let us know in the comments below!
Something that you might find quite annoying when you have several text files which might have a certain name or text string that you want to search for is having to look through each one to try and find what you want. Obviously this just isn’t efficient especially when there are hundreds or more files to look through. It becomes even more frustrating when you want to search lots of files for keywords or phrases and replace them with something else because a tool like Notepad just doesn’t work for anything but the most basic of tasks.
1. Find and Replace (FAR)
The Find and Replace tool has options to simply search for strings inside files, replace the strings inside the matching files and also to find and replace text inside file names. FAR is a cross platform and portable tool because it’s built on Java but that also makes it quite heavy on memory usage. And of course, you’ll need the Java Runtime Environment installed to use it.
Just about all boxes where you need to enter text will accept regular expressions, go to Help -> Regex for more help on how to use them. Both the replace and rename functions require you to run the find function first and you simply need to supply a folder, a file name pattern and the optional content to search for, or reverse it using the Exclude tick box. The program also has a few basic selection filters, some copy, move and delete file operations and options to trim or remove blanks lines from the files while also being able to change the encoding of the files between Windows-1252/UTF-8/US-ASCII.
. WildReplace
For normal usage WildReplace is an easy to use tool that can perform a simple search for a given string and show the results in an Explorer like color coded structured folder tree. Tick the “Replace with” box and enter a string to start a find and replace operation.
There are some very useful functions tucked away such as some simple file operations where you can copy or move the files with the matching string to a specified folder or even delete them permanently. Advanced Options will allow the filtering of files by size, file attributes and date. The most powerful feature is the regular expressions input where you can enter your own arguments or click the RegEx Help button to get a window full of sequences, classes and separators that can be used. It also includes a very handy Expression Tester to try out various RegEx sequences. WildReplace is also portable.
If you want a quick and easy search and replace tool then TurboSR could be handy because it has no real advanced functions but simply concentrates on replacing one text string with another in all the chosen files in a specified folder.
The program is a completely portable standalone executable but be aware it creates a shortcut to itself in Accessories in the Start menu. Usage is simply a case of selecting a text based extension to search for such as .txt, .log or .html etc (there are around 15), locate the folder you want to search in and tick the sub folder option if needed, enter the “Search for” and “Replace with” strings and then click the Go button. If matches are found, TurboSR will popup a window where you can skip the replace, replace the chosen text or replace all matches from now on.
Replace Text
Replace Text used to be called BK ReplaceEm and was quite a popular tool for searching and replacing operations. Although the Replace Text Tool itself is no longer supported and developed, it’s still quite useful and also easy to use even for replacing several phrases across multiple text files. Being a portable tool is also a useful advantage.
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