HL-DBExporter For Windows Full Version Free Download

June 4, 2024 By qamar mukhtar 0

HL-DBExporter For Windows Full Version Free Download

HL-DBExporter For Windows Full Version Free Download

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HL-DB Exporter SQLite and Oracle applications are effective data migration tools performing two-way conversions and synchronizations from SQLite to Oracle. The software works through remote connections so your databases can be hosted on any local or remote server. The intuitive interface and powerful features complete any process in short times’ clear and precise tree-view shows the user how the destination database is structured. Feel free to customize any database object, modify structures, rename tables, fields or change their types, drop unnecessary elements, move part of a table to new one and more. All processes can be automated by means of command-line feature or built-in Scheduler so that users do not have to remember when to run their jobs manually.

A conventional path load is the default loading method. It executes statements to populate tables in an Oracle database. This method can sometimes be slower than other methods because extra overhead is added as SQL statements are generated, passed to Oracle, and executed. It can also be slower because when SQL*Loader performs a conventional path load, it competes equally with all other processes for buffer resources.

A direct path load does not compete with other users for database resources. It eliminates much of the Oracle database overhead by formatting Oracle data blocks and writing them directly to the database files, bypassing much of the data processing that normally takes place. Therefore, a direct path load can usually load data faster than conventional path. However, there are several restrictions on direct path loads that may require you to use a conventional path load. For example, direct path load cannot be used on clustered tables or on tables for which there are transactions pending. When you run the Export utility against an Oracle database, objects (such as tables) are extracted, followed by their related objects (such as indexes, comments, and grants), if any. The extracted data is written to an export dump file. The dump file is an Oracle binary-format dump file that can be read only by the Import utility. The version of the Import utility cannot be earlier than the version of the Export utility used to create the dump file.

The Oracle Export/Import utilities are best suited for migrations where the data size is small and data types such as binary float and double are not required. The import process creates the schema objects so you do not need to run a script to create them beforehand, making this process well suited for databases with small tables. The following example demonstrates how these utilities can be used to export and import specific tables.

Convert databases from Oracle to SQLite or from SQLite to Oracle rapidly and reliably! Operate with a whole database or select only needed tables, fields, indexes and foreign keys to proceed! Reach the desired result by simply configuring of several options through Wizard interface or in command line mode! DB Convert for Oracle & SQLite is also applicable for SQLite database migration to another SQLite database and it is quite well for Oracle database migration to another Oracle database or to remote Oracle Server.

In Android Studio 4.2 and higher, you can continue to inspect your app’s databases after a process disconnects. This makes it easier to debug your app after a crash. When a disconnect occurs, the Database Inspector downloads your databases and makes them available to you in offline mode. When offline, you can still open tables and run queries.

When you reconnect to a live app process, the Database Inspector leaves offline mode and shows you only the data that is on the device. In other words, data shown in offline mode does not persist when you reconnect to an app process. Because of this limitation, the Database Inspector doesn’t allow you to edit data or run modification SQL statements while in offline mode.

The SQL Mode setting affects how Cloud SQL interprets SQL queries. For example, if you export from a database without Strict SQL enabled, then try to import to Cloud SQL (which enables Strict SQL by default), the import might fail. The best practice is to use the same SQL Mode on import that you used for export. Review the SQL Mode on both the source and target databases for compatibility. Pay particular attention to the flags that enable Strict SQL mode. If Strict SQL is NOT set on your database, you will likely want to remove it in Cloud SQL. If you remove Strict SQL, you must set another flag.

For a standard export from Cloud SQL, the export is run while the database is online. When the databases being exported are smaller, the impact is likely to be minimal. However, when there are large databases, or large objects, such as BLOBs in the database, there’s the possibility that the export might degrade database performance. This might impact the time it takes to perform database queries and operations against the database. Once you start an export, it is not possible to stop it if your database starts to respond slowly.

To prevent slow responses during an export, you can use server less export. With server less export, Cloud SQL creates a separate, temporary instance to offload the export operation. Offloading the export operation allows databases on the primary instance to continue to serve queries and perform operations at the usual performance rate. When the data export is complete, the temporary instance is automatically deleted.

what’s new

  • Saving data into a Oracle Dump file for export to remote Oracle server;

  • Foreign key (relations) support;

  • Oracle Server version 10.0 and higher support;

  • ODBC Oracle and Oracle client are not required;

  • Speed conversion with Bulk and Quantization features;

  • Precertification of possible conversion errors;

  • SQLite version 3.0 and higher support;

  • Global and specific field mapping

  • Filters for conditional data migration;

  • BLOB, CBLOB SQLite data types conversion;


  • SQLite database size optimization.

  • Necessary privileges to write into network shared folder (LAN or VPN) where destination database SQLite resides

  • Necessary privileges to write into database on the target Oracle server (this requirement is optional as there is an option to overcome the restrictions using dump file.


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