Euklid DynaGeo
November 18, 2022Euklid DynaGeo
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This utility lets you draw any 2D sketch for an elementary geometry course. The set of operations encompasses figures such as lines, circles, triangles, or polygons; constructions such as “drop a perpendicular” or “find a bisector”; and mappings that translate an object and reflect an object in a line. Unlike simple drawing programs, Euklid DynaGeo automatically rebuilds your sketch as you change any of its objects. You also can recalculate any formulas based on how distances and angles change as you modify the drawing. The program has a fairly straightforward interface and fulfills its educational functions nicely. You can attach a note to any object, useful for explaining concepts the drawing illustrates. Students and teachers in high schools and colleges can put Euklid DynaGeo to good use.
EUKLID DynaGeo is a program that can create dynamic geometrical drawings. You can move certain objects in the drawing without destroying any of the geometrical interdependencies between the objects, which were there when you constructed them originally. So if you have managed to draw a circle passing through all the points of a triangle, then even if you move the edges of the triangle around, still the circle will pass through the three points of the triangle. You can draw all the regular geometrical shapes and objects with this program. There are built-in standard objects like perpendicular, bisector and so on, which you can use in your constructions. Certain mapping elements are also built-in, for example, reflection, rotation and so on. With this program you can measure the widths of your angle and also distances in your drawings. Coloring of different objects in your construction is also possible. If you are an advanced user, you can do trace lines, which can also be dynamic. Incorporate macros into your drawings so that your detailed constructions, will not be a lengthy affair. The program enables you to copy what you have created into an EMF or BMP format onto the clipboard. Your dynamic constructions can be exported onto a web page.
EUKLID DynaGeo ist ein Programm zur “beweglichen Geometrie´´. Es ermöglicht die Erstellung von dynamischen Zeichnungen d.h. Zeichnungen, in denen (manche) Punkte nachträglich (mit der Maus) verschoben werden können, ohne dass dabei die bei der Erstellung der Zeichnung festgelegten Zusammenhänge zwischen den geometrischen Objekten verloren gehen.
With EUKLID you can make geometric constructions just like you do with ruler and compasses. But EUKLID makes dynamic drawings: you can drag some objects after you finished your construction without losing the interdependency between its various objects. For example, if you construct the bisector of an angle, and then move the sides of this angle, then the line of the bisector will automatically be moved just the way that it always divides the angle into two equal parts. Moreover, you can create macros to abbreviate often used sequences of construction steps. There is the possibility to measure distances and angle widths, and to watch expressions containing these values while dragging the drawing. And you can record locus lines, i.e. the traces a point leaves while it (or another point of the drawing) is dragged along. A highlight of EUKLID are the “dynamic locus lines“, that you can use to explore algebraic curves. Naturally, you can save, load and print your drawings, even export them (in BMP and EMF format) to the clipboard and insert them into your word processor documents. For further information, have a look at the english pages of the DynaGeo homepage!
Version 3.6d:
- Extended analysis support: graphs, tangent lines, integral areas, Riemann sums…
- Working with conics: ellipses, parabola and hyperbola, different constructions…
- A full set of affine mappings is implemented, with easy to use wizards…
- A new JAVA applet can show dynamic drawings on all browsers and all operating systems that can use a JAVA runtime.
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