ACD/ChemSketch Freeware

August 11, 2022 By 7t7exe1 0

ACD/ChemSketch Freeware

ACD/ChemSketch Freeware

اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور

Username: eoiiqpaf
Password: U8ZF8W5CLCIRII
Username: ztejgbth
Password: 0S207YQYNJM8P5
Username: xogocops
Username: caocksyw
Password: 98FHD2R19SWCYC
Username: npqxpvmz
Password: 7MGOZ2F73JY71Y

اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور 2023

Username: xkzexbrd
Password: ERONLCB3Q87U4V
Username: atmbbdwr
Password: 9GVBJBH6N1XXLJ
Username: stfnaqxo
Password: 3OQVCTVI65F0FF
Username: mwasohyh
Password: 04F21P9LDX48K7
Username: tatzalga
Password: 22BSKIRVWP3W75

مولد اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور 2023

Username: wmybzrbc
Password: Y0O4RSE83XKXIX
Username: hkejxcfp
Password: IX8B1MUOYALCI2
Username: cqtiglex
Password: YD5VISV2RVIHK1
Username: cebtgvmz
Username: tgfphdjx
Password: 6YR94C1B96NTGO

إنشاء اسم مستخدم وكلمة مرور

Username: jedsfazt
Password: KIW2R75KCA7UJN
Username: dkdfglrw
Password: AKLZ46R0K8B5M1
Username: odjqiqku
Password: DTQ2QAY0L00JKW
Username: blddyhyc
Password: 4JML602HCYOKNN
Username: mwgnbagg
Password: GLK3TXMYD5G0NA

اسم مستخدم وكلمة مرور جديدين

Username: rkfzyuue
Password: 5ERKQZHO6QG880
Username: dtyywdhn
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Username: piydvbjx
Password: NQBX1Y9GP2ZYFF
Username: gfftoxby
Password: F6QMYB3UDMPC1T

اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور يناير 2023

Username: xaamrhnx
Password: I46BTLIV3O76AU
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Password: MGEOAW3Q6WZQ83
Username: hvalzwft
Password: V9LICHJT3HNLU7
Username: eaidqlei
Password: AXH568RIJIWWL5

اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور مجانا 2023

Username: bqrtfmij
Username: kkiogose
Username: fokojrak
Password: AWOQT3ID93E2ZX
Username: gfmysdji
Password: Q0R7I83VHQQMU9
Username: qxrzcand
Password: G1QM9JMN9UB6AD

اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور 2022

Username: opoubksd
Username: dxxiezqy
Password: BCKJLU5GSX4FT4
Username: eraqttrk
Username: avdaumjc
Password: 20DGZ9P8J10SG4
Username: knobccwb
Password: T1T2073YVX36SS

اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور لمفتاح الترخيص

Username: nxomopea
Password: T6N83U0DTED1JC
Username: ipkwymza
Password: RLQDGGG5VR9A23
Username: tfzjvogo
Password: RAK4GXZOHZN839
Username: rqtrajzy
Username: yitsdjaa
Password: ONS13E2NCC08JM

Key Details of ACD/ChemSketch Freeware

  • Generate chemical structure drawing with multiple features
  • Last updated on 04/23/20
  • There have been 0 updates within the past 6 months

Editors’ Review

Advanced Chemistry Development’s ACD/ChemSketch Freeware bundle is the sort of easy-to-use cutting-edge toolkit that chemist Isaac Asimov predicted years ago, only it’s not science fiction but real software you can download today. ACD/ChemSketch is an easy-to-use chemical modeling and rendering program with a versatile 3D viewer that lets you specify everything from shapes and colors to Initial Internuclear Distance (in Angstroms). You can drag and rotate 3D models, zoom in and out, record frames, and manipulate the view in many ways. ChemBasic, a chemistry-oriented programming tool, is included.

ChemSketch’s layout bears a strong resemblance to other drawing and modeling tools, CADware, and photo editors, although the sidebar’s list of common chemical elements and symbols indicates the program’s chemistry focus. The app opens on the 2D sketch page, which is extremely easy to use: Select an element or other symbol in the sidebar, click the main view, and drag a line to the next chemical bond. Customizable toolbars, packed with symbols and presets, make it possible to build up detailed structures quickly. We could create and manage templates, show or hide attributes such as Aromaticity, generate names, stereo descriptors, and structures, and much more. At the bottom of the window, tabs let us copy our model to the 3D viewer (and vice versa) for a more detailed view. We could search eMolecules, ChemSpider, and other services from inside ChemSketch or from the app, using our usual browser, too.

ACD/ChemSketch is as easy to use as a child’s sketch program yet sophisticated enough for the lab. It wasn’t so long ago that the modeling and rendering capabilities it offers were unavailable to scientists, let alone any student or amateur. Professionals and students, alike, should try it.


  • Stereobond analysis has been improved to take bond direction into account when generating stereodescriptors
  • Copy/paste reactions to third-party applications as a complete reaction sequence (as opposed to a set of structures)
  • Choose scaling options when inserting OLE objects to Microsoft Office applications
  • General improvements in file import/export options including ChemDraw files, and preferences for exporting molfiles

Developer’s Description

The latest version lets users quickly and easily draw all kinds of chemical structures including polymers, organometallics, and Markush structures, optimize spatial configuration, and view structures in 2D or 3D. Generate IUPAC and CAS Index nomenclature for molecules with fewer than 50 atoms and 3 ring structures, and get predictions of the octanol-water partition coefficient, logP, along with other molecular descriptors. Access to ACD/I-Lab, our pay-per-use online engine for the prediction of physicochemical, ADME, and toxicity properties, NMR spectra and chemical shifts, and chemical names, is also provided.

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